Thrive; Evolutionary Consciousness Jan 2014 | Page 3

Focus exercise to increase awareness and spiritual connection to Source Energy

For some people staying in awareness of their spirituality is a challenge. Meditation leads one to trying to tame all those thoughts rushing through the consciousness. Thoughts resisted attract more thoughts in the same energy vibration so resistance is really a futile exercise.

What are some ways to disciple the mind so that you can stay more aware of your connection to Source Energy?

A very simple exercise to help you build concentration and be more focused is the candle exercise. This is an old occult exercise used to help students learn to focus in a single vision or energy. Before the exercise take a bath or shower with the intention of letting all the “dust” of the day wash away. As you bath and allow the water to run over your body imagine the remnants of the day's worries being washed away and going down the drain.

Find a place in your home where a lit candle will not be around anything that could catch fire, sitting it in a large dish is always a good idea. Placing stones and crystals in the dish around the candle adds a lovely energy to the exercise as well as clearing the room of stale energy.

Sit in a position that is comfortable to you. Using deep breaths in and out allow the stress to move out of your body so that the tension in your shoulders and neck area is at ease. Sitting at a desk all day results in lots of tension in this area. You might even enjoy a few slow stretches where you reach way above your head and then slowly fold the body down to touch the floor with your hands before starting the exercise.

When you feel comfortable and ready to begin light your candle. Don't concern yourself with your thoughts, just relax and look at the candle flame. Think about the flame as you breathe in and out deeply and slowly. Do this for at least five minutes. You may now get up and take a break or add to your exercise by thinking the word LOVE as you look at the candle fame and breathe in and out deeply. No need to concern yourself with other thoughts. Let them just float through as you look at the candle flame and think or say out loud LOVE.