Thread Impact Report 2013 | Page 21

Job* creation in Haiti Goal: Support 135 indirect jobs. Actual: Supported 152 indirect jobs. *Full or Part-time employment, not including supplemental income earned by collection Support Haitian businesses and entrepreneurs Goal: Support $500k USD in revenue for Haitians. Actual: Supported $164,931.10 USD in revenue for Haitians. Increase income opportunities in Haiti Goal: Support 1,500 income opportunities for Haitians. Actual: Supported 1,530 income opportunities for Haitians. Increase pounds of recyclables removed from waste stream, streets and canals Goal: Support collection of 2.4 million pounds of recyclable materials. Actual: Supported collection of 2,490,577.5 million pounds of recyclable materials. Waste processing Goal: Process 600,000 lbs of plastic trash into a valuable export. Actual: Processed 660,000 lbs of \