Thread Impact Report 2013 | Page 19

Team Tassy Team Tassy prepares and places the poor into good, dignified jobs, including jobs at Thread, so that they can pull themselves out of poverty forever. In 2013, Thread employees spent over 1,600 volunteer hours providing expertise in strategic and business planning, marketing, events planning, and services to Team Tassy families in Haiti. As Thread continues to grow in Haiti, Team Tassy will supply a qualified and trained workforce for the various types of jobs that will become available. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Pittsburgh In 2013, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Pittsburgh implemented a new initiative, STARTup SOMETHING, connecting local Pittsburgh start ups with the youth they serve. The initiative introduces youth to emerging career opportunities in technology and entrepreneurship. Thread is honored to have been part of this educational initiative, leading a weekend workshop in October 2013 focusing on recycling and social business practices.