we are born victorious

It is also something that can heal or stay open for years. We can ignore it, but our every move will be affected by it.

Inner wounds are hard to heal, unless we really focus on the healing process. The causes are sometimes difficult moments encountered in our childhood or throughout our life journey .

Some people thought that they were healed, until they met similar aversions and found themselves paralysed.

Inner wounds are not wounds we can forget. Oh no!

But wounds we have to overcome. It must heal. We should be immune to the pain, unless we want our daily walk to be suspended or reduced to regrets and murmurs.

Do you know that we are born victorious? Do you know that by the time you entered your Mum's womb among millions of potential human cells, you were the one to be born and "rock" this life?

They was nothing that stopped you there, in the invisible.

Therefore, there is nothing that can stop you now from being happy, from living your life peacefully, from living