Those Who Wander Magazine January 2016 | Page 27

Take t he St at en Isl and Ferry inst ead of a t ourist boat / hel icopt er. Obviously, if you are wanting a beautiful aerial view of the city a ferry isn?t going to do it. You can get t he St at en Isl and Ferry f or f ree f rom t he port at Bat t ery Park. While you are walking toward the ferry terminal you will be approached by those trying to sell you onto a tourist boat (a lot of money, similar view) say no, always. They will then try to push the helicopter on you and that decision is up to you. But you get beautiful views from the Staten Island Ferry. Good f ood doesn?t al ways mean f ancy rest aurant s Get off the major tourist streets and wander around and you will find amazing food at fantastic prices. If you are going to a restaurant make sure you go before 7pm if you don?t have a reservation, before it gets to busy.