New York was a city we dreamed about. We
would watch Harry met Sally while fantasising
about walking the same streets or drinking in the
same bars at parties the girls in ?Gossip Girl?
would experience. We always talked about going
and then it became a reality.
also friends within it), real budget cunning, and
severe motivation we made it a reality ? with
money to spare. How you ask? Well let me detail
how we got a week in New York City for less than
£800 per person.
I had decided after moving home, a failed
attempt at a further university course and an
unhappy job that I was going to go travelling.
Swiftly after telling friend Lynne about my
intended plans, we immediately talked non stop
about our dream to head to New York and how
we would make this a reality if I was going to be
forever travelling.
Neither of us work in high paid jobs ? although
we really should have earned more for the work we
did ? so how on eart h were we going t o af f ord
t his?
As it turned out, our trip to New York City was not
as expensive as we thought it would be. Thanks
to having knowledge of the travel industry (and
We booked our hot el bef ore our f l ight s t o New
York Cit y.
Why? We planned to go to NYC in December
2015 and began planning the trip December
2014 ? hello January Sales ? after scrolling
through page after page of hotels we finalised
two options.
Eventually we booked our hotel of choice, The
Yotel off Times Square through Travel Republic.
Why? We got the hotel half the price ? due to
January Sales ? and we secured it f or a £1
deposit (around, $2 USD) AND didn?t have to pay
the balance until November 2015. Plenty of time