Those Who Wander Magazine April 2016 | Page 16

The minute I realised I could say No and people would still say Hey and share their embarrassing stories with me the next day was liberating ? I mean some of them were so drunk I could have pretended I was there. Say No if you don?t want to do something. You came out on this trip to do you, so do you. I can promise you are probably not missing anything you can?t do at some other stage. People actually respect you a little more. You?ll do things you actually want to and enjoy yourself a whole tonne more. COMMUNICATIONISALOTMORETHAN SPOKENWORDS,SOMETIMESIT?SDANCING OUTWHATYOUWANTORSIMPLYMAKING CHICKENNOISES?.. I?ve travelled to more than 25 countries ? which is insane when I think about it ? and every single one is completely different from one another ? as you?d expect right? A language barrier is a challenge yes, but it should never be a reason not to go somewhere. It should never be a negative, I mean, English is my first (and only language) and I completely take advantage of that. The majority of native English speakers will never learn another language? Yet as I travel around the world I meet people from all over the world, from all walks of life, from the ridiculously pool to the extremely rich and they all give English (or another language) a shot. So don?t be af raid t o compl et el y immerse yoursel f in a dif f erent cul t ure wit h a dif f erent l anguage, t ry t o l earn some of t heir l anguage? Ot herwise t he next best opt ion is hand gest ures, dances, pret t y much ?hey, l et ?s pl ay charades?, you?l l become pret t y popul ar pret t y f ast . WHENEVERI NEEDTHEM,MYFRIENDSAND FAMILYBACKHOMEDON?TACTUALLYFEEL LIKEAMILLIONMILESAWAY?. One of my biggest f ears was get t ing home sick and want ing t o come home. Which woul d not be an easy choice or opt ion considering I?m l it eral l y t he f urt hest away f rom home I coul d possibl y get . At home I would speak to my Dad every other day, my sisters and I were close and were like my best friends, my mum was always around as I lived with her and my best friend and I ? although in different cities ? talked every day, went on holidays together, made plans and saw each other when we could. I still talk to my best friend almost every day. It?s amazing how you forget when you go travelling technology doesn?t become non-existent. In Asia it was tricky but a nice break. In New Zealand, I have a Sim Card, with data, just like home. AMAZING. If I need a chat I can call, text, Skype, Facebook, snapchat my way back into their lives. So even though I?m 13hrs ahead on the other side of the world, everyone I need from home is still there when I need them. YOUTHINKYOUWILLBUDGET,BUTIN FACT,YOUWILLPROBABLYTOTALLY FORGETANDSPENDTHEMAJORITYOF YOURMONEYALOTFASTERTHAN INITIALLYPLANNED? Unless you are Insanely good at forward planning ? or can predict the future ? I can guarantee that once you get going, after (max) two weeks, your budget will start to fall apart a little bit. Sure you will have weeks when you spend almost nothing, live off ramen noodles and soy sauce, hitch hiking your way around or sleeping in the cheapest hostels. But you?ll also have weeks where you try the local