Thornton Academy Program of Studies 2-24- 25 | Page 29

Biology ( or ) Biology Foundations
Biology Honors
AP Biology
Chemistry Honors
AP Chemistry
29 www . thorntonacademy . org 29


After Physical Science , all students are encouraged to take a Biology class as part of their remaining science credits , options include : Biology , Biology Foundations , or Biology Honors .

Biology ( or ) Biology Foundations

1 Credit • Grades 10 , 11 & 12
There is significant vocabulary in this course . School counselor and teacher referral is required for enrollment in Biology Foundations .
The topics covered in this introductory biology class begin with microbiology : the molecules necessary for life ; cells and how they work , use energy , communicate , reproduce , and develop into the great diversity we see in the world . The course then delves into broader topics of genetics , evolution and ecology — the driving forces that shape what we see around us . There is significant vocabulary in this course . School counselor and teacher referral is required for enrollment in Biology Foundations .

Biology Honors

1 Credit • Grades 9 , 10 , 11 & 12 Prerequisites : Physical Science Honors or teacher recommendation
Students will thoroughly explore life on a cellular and molecular level , both conceptually and experimentally . Students will further develop their strong skills in critical reading , writing , and scientific thinking . Students will ask their own research questions , design their own experiments , and collect and analyze data . Students will read and write formal laboratory research papers . Considerable reading and writing will accompany the study of biochemistry , cell biology , photosynthesis , cellular respiration , genetics , evolution , and ecosystem relationships .

AP Biology

2 Credits / Meets Daily • Grades 11 & 12 Prerequisites : Biology Honors , Chemistry Honors , and Algebra II
This course is equivalent to a two-semester college introductory biology course for biology majors . Students cultivate their understanding of biology through inquirybased investigations as they explore the following topics : evolution , cellular processes , energy and communication , genetics , information transfer , ecology , and interactions .


1 Credit • Grades 11 & 12
This course is designed to give students a solid foundation in the fundamentals of chemistry through classroom lectures , laboratory work , and problem-solving activities . There is a strong emphasis on the development of critical thinking as well as the scientific process . Students will gain an appreciation for the relevance of chemistry to the world outside of the classroom .

Chemistry Honors

1 Credit • Grades 10 , 11 & 12
Prerequisites : teacher recommendation ( completion of Algebra II is recommended , but not required )
Students will gain a strong foundation in the fundamentals of chemistry through laboratory work and problem-solving activities , with an emphasis on developing critical thinking skills . Properties of matter , electronic structure , periodic properties , ionic and molecular compounds , nomenclature , chemical reactions , stoichiometry , and molecular structure are studied in this class . This course requires very strong algebra skills and is a prerequisite for AP Chemistry .

AP Chemistry

2 Credits / Meets Daily • Grades 11 & 12 Prerequisite : Chemistry Honors and Algebra II
This course is designed to give students the experience of a college-level chemistry course , including proper laboratory techniques , problem solving skills , study skills , and finally to prepare students to successfully complete the College Board AP examination . All students who register for the course are expected to take the AP examination .

29 www . thorntonacademy . org 29