Thornton Academy Program of Studies 2-24- 25 | Page 10

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Thornton Academy ’ s goal is to prepare each student for success in institutions of higher learning and in the workplace . To help students identify and follow a pathway to post-secondary study TA has identified standards which prepare students for higher education . Thornton Academy offers hundreds of classes , which can be overwhelming ; school counselors work with teachers , and parents to aid students with the design of their academic program .
Thornton Academy offers a variety of levels of study , each of which is designed to meet the demands of differing postsecondary placements . Students are placed at appropriate levels depending on learning needs .
School counselors work with students to create appropriate course schedules . Each student ’ s actual program will be individually crafted to meet interests and post-secondary goals . All students are expected to complete a minimum of five to six credits per year . Courses may be a half credit ( 0.5 ), 1 credit , or 2 credits , depending on the length and frequency with which the class meets .


English Math
History / Social Sciences * Science Wellness Fine Art
Additional / Electives
4 3 3 3 1.5 1 6.5
To qualify for a Thornton Academy diploma , students must complete four years of study with a minimum of 22 credits . Students transferring from other high schools utilizing the Carnegie Unit system will have credit applied toward graduation requirements . Only Thornton Academy grades will be used to calculate student grade point average .
Thornton Academy regards four years of sequential high school study as educationally , pedagogically , and developmentally appropriate . Therefore Thornton Academy does not grant requests for early graduation .
* Includes 1 credit US History Carnegie Unit ( credit ) is defined as two semesters of course work .

10 www . thorntonacademy . org