Thornton Academy Postscripts Alumni Magazine Winter 2007 | Página 15 (Below) Christy Brouillard Barnes greets Gail Berube Young at the ‘76 reunion. (Right) Sheena Stagner, Jessica Crockett and Nicole Villella pose for a photo at the Class of 2001’s first reunion. (Below right) Right: Class of ‘71 Ann Hadiaris Heikkinen, Willis Emmons and Greg Milliken check out photos from their Thornton days. (Right) Jane Stevens, Nancy Heffernan O’Toole, Diana Huot and Jane Grondin Caras, members of the Class of ‘71 enjoy reliving old photos. (Bottom right) Joanne Trask Cacciapaglia, Kathleen Sangillo and Cheryl Keefe Register get ready to greet classmates at the ‘76 get-together. (Below) Peter Gordon and Barbara Warren Field catch up with the news at the ‘61 reunion dinner. POSTSCRIPTS * WINTER 2007 15