Thornton Academy Postscripts Alumni Magazine Summer 2009 | Page 12
class notes
Roy Fairfield 's most recent published
book,“Survival at Work & Home: SacoLowell Shops in WW II,” was featured
in the May 22 issue the Journal Tribune. It was published via Bastille
Books which he and his wife, Maryllyn, founded in 1988. A retired educator, Fairfield has written a number
of history books, novels and volumes
of poetry. He continues to volunteer
in the archives and special collections
department of Dyer Library in Saco
and lives in Biddeford.
Myrle Sawyer Andrew has two grandchildren who are are married and another was married around Thanksgiving before he went to Afganistan in
the Marines. His older sister, Andrew's
granddaughter, is also a Marine, married to a Navy man and the mother of
a new baby girl.
Earl Dawley is mostly staying near
home with an ocassional trip in his
motor home.
Marie Baldwin Rapier in 1944 moved
to Connecticut to live with her sister.
She worked for five years as a timekeeper, joined the US Navy “WAVES”
in May 1949 and served for three
years before getting married to a Marine in November 1950. She had four
children, born in 1954, 1957, 1961
and 1964. She and her family lived in
California, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee and Georgia. Now she is living in Alabama and
Illinois. She graduated from the University of Missouri.
W. David Verrill has celebrated 60
years of marriage with his wife, Anna
Kosta Verrill ‘46.
John E. Anagnostis is still writing a
weekly column for the Journal Tribune. He wrote a book about his activities growing up in Saco, as well as
his college years and Army service.
Theresa E. Colpitts in July 2008 visited Tucson, Arizona, to help his brother Bernard Colpitts ‘38 celebrate his
90th birthday.
Raymond Shorey is still surviving in
the northwest mountains.
William Verrill's wife Carol passed
away in Indianapolis, Ind., on Dec. 5,
2008. The two were married for 57
years and have four children, eight
grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
Patricia Steele Langlais recently lost
her husband of 52 years.
Jane Cote Dickinson is traveling occasionally and in 2007 enjoyed an
Alaskan cruise. She’s also klso knitting blankets for unwed mothers and
keeping busy with church activities.
Her seventh great-grandchild is due in
John Hanning and his wife, Winona,
volunteer at their church mission.
Also John plays three or more rounds
of golf a week. They say that retirement is great!
Joan Crogan Youngs is in her twelfth
year of substitute teaching. She still
competes in Senior Olympics threeon-three basketball, softball, bowling,
throws discus, javlin and skiing. She
did break her ankle last summer, but
she is back to sports again at summer
camp at Crystal Lake in Gray.
William E. Gilpatric retired Dec. 31,
2008, as vice president investments/
financial consultant, Casco Bay Investment Group of Wachovia Securities.
Herbert Grace is enjoying retirement
and his family with Irene Glaude Grace
‘61. He says it seems so great not having to travel to the Navy Yard every
day. Their grandson, Nicholas, is a sen [܈]T