The connections students have with each other and their affinity to the club have proven timeless . Delcourt has kept in touch with many alumni over the years and says it has been extra special to see them begin to give back to the club in adulthood . “ Last year , Rachel Richard ’ 16 purchased and donated a new dry bag ahead of our planned overnight trip . This is a mandatory piece of equipment for participants on the overnight that has the potential to be a financial burden . It was really moving to have Rachel think of our current members and make an unsolicited donation like that .”
Like all aspects of school , the current COVID-19 pandemic has created challenges for the club to function as it normally would this year . Students are now meeting weekly via Zoom to keep in touch , with monthly outings taking place as CDC and DOE recommendations and restrictions permit . Delcourt remains committed to his students and the mission of the club , “ In a world that seems more and more tied to screens , to see how many students at TA share a passion for the outdoors is really affirming . I ' m excited to continue my work getting our kids out on the water whenever possible .”
Members of TA ' s Cycling Club take a ride on the " TA section " of the Eastern Trail .
The TA Cycling Club brings cycling to all levels of riders and encourages a healthy lifestyle through education , friendship , teamwork , and fun . The focus for club members is to create opportunities to ride , train , and socialize with other cycling enthusiasts . The club also conducts social and community activities with the intention of improving the development of cycling in the Saco community .
Jonathan Sylvester , special education teacher , has advised the club for 10 years . The number of club participants varies depending on the fall or spring season and Mr . Sylvester sees numerous motivations behind their participation . “ Many students choose to ride for a wide range of reasons , be it social , exercise , cross training , community involvement , or preparation for racing on the weekends .”
Luckily for riders , the Eastern Trail is located in Thornton Academy ’ s backyard . Club members participate in weekly rides on the trail and have adopted the “ TA section ” in an effort to maintain and support this treasured community resource .
For Sylvester , the best part of Cycling Club is that it offers a chance for students to get out to exercise , cross train , learn bicycle safety , learn riding styles , and make new friends . He appreciates the opportunity to see students challenge themselves , whether by completing a downhill / technical section or achieving a specific mileage . “ There is nothing like the smile on a student ' s face after they have completed something that was challenging .”