Family Farm
At Thornton Academy , we often talk about the importance of community . For the Harris family and the farms they run , community is more than just talk , it ’ s a way of life . Dixie leaves little doubt about the farm ’ s importance in Dayton , saying “ This is the town center .” The farm relies on neighbors as customers . Previously , they would travel to weekly farmers ’ markets across southern Maine to sell their summer produce . However , they discovered that they had enough support close to home and could sell all they needed directly at the farm , saving them long days of preparing and packing their goods .
Calves represent the future of Harris Farm .
Every day is different at Harris Farm . With a wide range of operations , each season brings its own opportunities and challenges . Each annual cycle begins in the spring , with vegetable and corn planting on the 200 acres of pastures and fields on the farm . With more daylight , summer sees increased hours of work from the farmers . As Jake puts it , “ The best beach days are also the best haying days .” Autumn means harvest , and reaping the benefits of the hard work of spring and summer . And while normally winter is a quieter time on a farm , over 30 years ago , the Harris family farm decided to take on cross country skiing . Now that skiing is one of their major operations and brings visitors from all over New England . Clint has been surprised to learn that “ skiing is even more weather dependent than farming .”
The Harris family has been intentional about diversifying farm operations . John and Ruth began Harris Farm as one of Dayton ’ s sixteen dairy farms back in the 1940s . Today , Harris is the only dairy farm left . Without the support of vegetable farming , beef cattle , and cross country skiing , it ’ s possible to imagine that this farm could have gone the way of all the others . Clint succinctly explained how they ’ ve been so successful : “ It ’ s the way diversification works everywhere — it spreads the risk .”
The original homestead has been converted into the farm store and ski center .
During a visit to Harris Farm , the values of dedication , hard work , respect , and family emanate from the fields , barns , and homes . Fueled by a Thornton Academy education , the Harris family has continued to diversify their entrepreneurial endeavors and continuously pursue further education to maintain the farm ’ s existence and create a full life , for themselves and future Harrises to come .
During the winter , dormant cow pastures make excellent cross country skiing trails .