Anonymous Hebron Adams *
Charles * & M . Virginia Yates * Allard
Irving & Charlotte Backman Pauline Smith Bogh *
Leo E . & Kathie A . Bourgeault
Fred * & Connie * Clark Walter Lewis Clark *
Cathy Coffman & Richard Buhr
Stevan C . Cote Stelios Cotsis Vangel & Ericka Cotsis Philip B . Curtis Dr . Brian K . Dallaire Earl Dawley Peter J . & Nancy Diakos
Ernest * & Laura E . Harmon * Ekengren
Roy * & Maryllyn Rumery Fairfield
Dr . Roland A . Fogg * Helen Martin Freise * Gerard M . Gaudette Marianne Holt Gillis * Robert & Susan * Gowen Joyce D . Haley Herberta L . Harriman * John L . Hewes * Dr . John Hoyt Leonard G . Johnson
William & Mary Atkinson Johnson
A . William * & Anne Baker Kany , Jr .
John & Leslie Haas Koelsch Stephen Lambert *
* denotes deceased
Joel J . Levesque ' 85 & Jennifer Hatten
John W . * & Marlene May Grant Lombard
Karen Lovell
Susanne Robinson McNamara
Rene M . & Lisa Menard Muriel Thompson Nado Ronald P . Nason Erin Nelson
James E . & Kathleen Huot Nelson
Wallace & Jane Walker Nutting
Richard M . & Janine Bertrand Parker
Russell L . & Betsey P . Pray
Bernard * & Elsie Pitman * Prescott
Eric A . & Kathryn Purvis Kirk & Abby Graffam Purvis Dr . Ann Marie Rancourt
Pamela Roberts & Scott McInturff
Ralph & Catherine Rumery
Theodore * & Gertrude * Merrill Sawyer
Anne Ridley Scigliano * Raymond Shorey * Rachel Whipple Small Madeleine Snow * Philip * & Madeleine * Snow Carl J . & Barbara Stasio , Jr .
Michael & Susan Grenier Strout
Milton * & Joan Vachon Victor
Dr . Frank Walmsley Agnes Ann Walsh Erwin * & Yvette L .* Warren
1811 SOCIETY DR . FRANK WALMSLEY ’ 53 I have never really left Thornton Academy , although my physical path has taken me westward almost to the Pacific Ocean . My memory of TA includes how , as a junior , I was welcomed by students and faculty . A recent visit revealed that the acceptance and friendliness has not changed .
Chemistry class was fun and solidified my desire to become a chemist . In the junior play , I had the part of an eccentric chemist with a lab in the basement . English and math classes laid a good foundation – physics was not my forte .
Why am I joining the 1811 Society ? As a retired university professor , I am interested in strong precollege education . TA provided that and continues to do so . I am thrilled to be able to do a small part in advancing that goal .
I wear my TA t-shirt with pride , even though no one recognizes it here in the Arizona desert . I know and I remember . – Dr . Frank Walmsley ’ 53
What is the 1811 Society ?
Any individual who remembers TA in their estate planning becomes a member of the 1811 Society . Members are community leaders who understand the important role philanthropy plays in securing the future of the school , and who show their commitment through their generosity .
Please contact TA ’ s Development office at development @ thorntonacademy . org or 207-602-4460 for more information .
Have you already included TA in your estate plans ? Please let us know !