Thornton Academy Postscripts Alumni Magazine Spring 2018 | Page 4

C O M PA S S I O N Sarah Strassler '10: Teacher, student, humanitarian hen Sarah Strassler graduated from Thorn- ton Academy in 2010 she knew she wanted to see the world, to study science, and as trite as it may sound, make the world a bit better be- cause of her presence. W as a Queen Mother. Wearing traditional vibrant-blue garments for the celebratory feasts and ceremony, Strassler was enstooled and formally recognized for the important and meaningful work she had accom- plished. In October 2017, after spending 28 months in Ghana working for the Peace Corps and focusing her efforts to enhance the educational opportunities for the people living near the small village of Menji, Strassler was named the 2017 Best Volunteer Teacher for her work with the Menji Agricultural Senior High School. "As part of the ceremony, they gave me a beautiful, wooden piece of art to remember them by," Strassler said. The figure is that of a pregnant woman carrying a baby on her back and a basket on her head. As she thinks about that day, she remembers being asked to come forward, in a land more than 4,500 miles from her home in Arundel, Maine, and one thought rattled through her head: "I hope I haven't peaked." But perhaps the most impressive honor Strassler earned during her time in Ghana occurred when the people of the community she lived in designated her Sarah Strassler cleans the board in her classroom after a day of teaching in Ghana 4 "The life inside her signifies the life I created there. The child on her back represents those I carry with me, and basket on her head allows me to carry pieces of this place wherever I go." Strassler paused for a moment as if she had just heard the words and ideas she expressed for the first time. "I'm not sure when I will see them again, but I will nev- er forget my time there."