Thornton Academy Postscripts Alumni Magazine Spring 2017 | Página 30

Good Shepherd Parish donates to help students in need

10 years strong :

Thornton Fund AUCTION

Please join us at 5:30 p . m . on May 6 , 2017 as we celebrate ten fantastic years of supporting education and building community at the 10 th annual Thornton Fund Auction . This special event is an exciting way to bring the greater Saco community together to support the Thornton Academy student experience in every way possible . This year promises to be the best yet !
This year , the live auction will feature exciting escapes such as “ A Day at Fenway ,” “ Summer Sugarloaf Stay ,” and a “ New York City Getaway .” Another exciting addition to the auction is from Charles Thompson , a local artist , University of New England professor , and current Thornton Academy parent . Charles has donated two of his beautiful plein air oil landscape paintings , “ Saco Yacht Club ” and “ Mid Winter .” This special event would not be possible without the support of the Thornton Academy Auction Committee and dedicated volunteers . This group of amazing individuals help make TA ’ s largest fundraising event a success year after year . Trustee Bill Kany ’ 77 has been involved with the Thornton Fund Auction from the very start and currently serves as the event ’ s auctioneer . Bill shares , “ Over ten years ago , a professional development company advised Thornton to stay away from special fundraising events as they felt that such events tend to detract from other annual fund efforts . The Board chose to ignore that advice and TA ’ s annual auction and raffle were born . Over the last ten years , thanks to the support of our alums and area businesses , along with an incredibly dedicated core of volunteers , the auction has become a significant contributor to the annual fund while establishing itself as an event that people look forward to every year . The auction is an incredibly fun night that provides an opportunity for attendees to reconnect while supporting all of the wonderful developments at TA . Our 10 th should not be missed .”
Bill Kany ’ 77
Please visit the Thornton Fund Auction website ( www . thorntonacademy . org / auction ) to review a list of our current sponsors and auction items and to purchase event and raffle tickets .

Good Shepherd Parish donates to help students in need

Good Shepherd Parish raised more than $ 1,200 for Thornton Academy ’ s Headmaster ’ s Student Assistance Fund during their annual “ Souper Bowl of Caring .” The Souper Bowl of Caring is a national campaign that collects donations during Super Bowl weekend to help fend off hunger . More than 30 parishioners , mostly youth , gathered donations after mass by holding up soup pots . Josh Houde , Youth Minister for Good Shepherd Parish , learned about Thornton ’ s Headmaster ’ s Student Assistance Fund through his youth members who are TA students . “ We are glad that our donation to Thornton will be able to help students obtain meals and other necessities that the Headmaster ’ s Fund provides for them ,” said Josh .