Thornton Academy Postscripts Alumni Magazine Spring 2015 | Page 6

Thornton’s STEM Academy Preparing students for a changing world A new Scamman Building wing will house STEM Gifts of every size are welcome. If you would like to (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) classrooms, support the education of students in science, technology, including four laboratories (two chemistry, two biology) engineering, and math, and four general– Thornton Academy’s new STEM Center will be you can: purpose classrooms. the cornerstone of a STEM Academy, which • Donate Scheduled for completion by builds upon the exceptional STEM education online at: www. September, the $2 that Thornton Academy already provides. give, or million STEM Center • Send a check made out to Thornton Academy to the is entirely privately-funded, meaning that no tax dollars Development Office (note STEM on the check or “teacher are being used for construction. This project is supported room” to honor former teachers; see right), or by TA alumni, parents and friends, including Brian • Call the Development Office for more information: 207Dallaire ‘75 (see below) and Joan Fink ‘70 who have made 602-4456. generous lead gifts to the project. Dr. Brian Dallaire ‘75 has had a distinguished career in the pharmaceutical sciences and is currently president of Lighthouse Clinical Development, as well as a TA Board of Trustees Watch an interview member. About the importance of STEM education, he said: “In pharmaceuticals, you actually need all the disciplines of STEM in with Dr. Dallaire order to be successful...Anything you can do to support the school helps out. Think of your donations to TA as being compounded. This facility will hopefully last 50 years like the original Scamman Building…Just think of how many students have gone in there… One dollar of a piece of equipment being used times 20 years by 1,000 students a year. Just think of the impact that has!” 6