Thornton Academy Postscripts Alumni Magazine Spring 2015 | Page 3

COVER PHOTO Jennifer Hadiaris ‘01, Harvard ‘05 was featured on the cover of Traders Magazine as one of the “intelligent women [on Wall Street] calling the shots.” Story on p.4; photo by David Yellen Photography. 6 STEM Education enters new era I 16 n This Issue 2 From the Headmaster 4 Legacy - Jennifer Hadiaris ’01, Harvard ’05, lauded as a “Rising Star Innovator” on Wall Street, reflects on how TA has shaped her life; 6 STEM - TA honors teachers as new STEM Center is constructed. 9 Profile - Get back in the saddle with Amanda Boutet ’08. 10 Events - Don’t miss TA’s annual auction gala to support student programs. 12 Arts - The newly- renovated dance studio is named after Leonard G. Johnson ’47 & a Bedell is still taking to the TA stage. 14 TA International - Globetrot with Emma Morrison ’08. Middle School 18 LOOK FOR PLAY BUTTON 1811 Society - Ray Arundel will have choice & Tori Lands ’13 walks a path inspired by TAMS. Where you see this symbol, the online version of Postscripts at www. contains additional, video content. Shorey ’49 talks about the long walk home and how a Headmaster’s kindness changed his life. CORRECTIONS 19 Athletics 20 Alumni in the News Siblings Mari Warner ’77 and Bob Warner ‘72 are inducted into SUNY and Maine Halls of Fame, respectively. 22 Alumni Gatherings Alums gather in Florida, California, and New York City. A Boston event and reunions upcoming. • Inkar Artygalina ‘14 was incorrectly referred to in the Spring ‘14 issue as the first TA graduate from Kazakhstan; Adilet Issayev ‘13 was TA’s first Kazakh alumnus. • The Fall ‘14 issue incorrectly identified the husband and children of Pam Roberts ‘76 as having the last name Roberts; their last name is McInturff. Postscripts is published 25 Class Notes 29 In Memoriam twice a year for Thornton Academy alumni, parents, and friends by the Communications Office. Its production is made possible through gifts to the Thornton Fund. Edited by Patricia Erikson and designed by Emma Deans, contributors include: Brittany Brown, Kathryn DanylikLagasse, Emma Deans, Patricia Erikson, & Erin Nelson. Cover photo is by David Yellen Photography. Class Agents Please contact development@ with any corrections. 24 TA Treasure - The Victory Bell is getting a facelift. 30 Read Postscripts online at: 3