Thornton Academy Postscripts Alumni Magazine Spring 2015 | Page 15
Globetrotting With Emma Morrison ‘08
Emma Morrison ‘08 in Almaty, Kazakhstan,
where she has been living this past year. Saco
and Almaty lie on approximately the same
latitude line, differing by about only 16 miles.
What happens when you travel to 11 countries on four different trouble is all worth it when I think about the people I
have met and the relationships I have built. Yes, I still
continents within 12 months? For Emma Morrison ‘08, the
do not understand some of the cultural differences...
math adds up to a life-changing experience. Emma earned a
but on a deeper level, people all across the world are
bachelor’s degree in Applied Mathematics with a concentration
essentially the same: we all want to be accepted and
in Biology from the University of Maine at Farmington ‘12,
and a master's degree in Statistics from North Carolina State
University '14. Her
aptitude for math led her “Immersing yourself in different cultures and traveling are “My family has a strong
to a one-year high school important because you can only listen to so many lessons, relationship to TA.
Even seven years after
teaching position at Tien
but those lessons won’t move from your head to your heart
graduation, Thornton is
Shan International School
until you actually experience them—until you take off your still an integral part of
in Almaty, Kazakhstan.
This past year she’s seized shoes at the door of a one bedroom apartment and sip tea what I consider home.
every opportunity to
while you sit next to a Kazakh woman who shares her life With my dad [math
department chair Jack
travel the globe, and it’s
with you.” -Emma Morrison ‘08
Morrison ‘74] teaching
inspired her to pursue
at TA since before I was born, I grew up on the campus
a second master's degree in Intercultural Studies at NC State,
beginning in Fall 2015. Postscripts caught up with her via e-mail and around the teachers, some of whom I'm still
close with. The TA community has been incredibly
to learn more about these experiences.
supportive of my family in both struggles and
celebrations. My grandparents graduated from TA, as
“Living in Kazakhstan, I have learned that there is a purpose
did my dad, my brother [math teacher Brian Morrison
in life that is so much bigger than just being comfortable and
‘06] and numerous aunts, uncles and cousins. Our
happy. Living in post-Soviet Kazakhstan specifically, I have
closets are lined with maroon and gold. My family's
learned to be patient with other cultures and other people. I
loyalty to Thornton can attest to the fact that Thornton
have learned to love even when I am frustrated and completely
is a great community.”
baffled by the way things are done. Laws about driving, cell
phones, and visas may change every few months, but the