Keeping Community Close During Closure
During the campus closure last spring , teachers at Thornton Academy Middle School ( TAMS ) knew that parents and students were looking to them to provide consistency and composure during a turbulent time . Through crash courses in Zoom and Google Meets , sharing online resources with colleagues , and building on classroom structures that were already in place , TAMS teachers got to work . In a task that has been compared by some to building a plane in mid-air , the staff and students proved that they were up to the task at hand and found ways to keep the TAMS community close , even during the physical closure of campus .
After a few weeks of remote learning , a group of TAMS teachers decided that they wanted to extend their efforts beyond their classroom lessons . Since TAMS opened its doors in 2006 , the ability to build and maintain relationships with students , both in and out of the classroom , has always been a source of pride ; it is one of the things that makes TAMS such a special place . With the support of TAMS ’ principal , Mrs . Robert , a small group of staff met weekly to plan and organize activities that would increase contact with the students , and provide “ teachable moments ” beyond their virtual classroom interactions .
Out of these meetings came a variety of opportunities for students and teachers to connect and continue to build the TAMS community in meaningful ways . It all started with teachers and staff recording themselves reading children ’ s books , song lyrics , or verses from a poem . The videos were then released weekly on the TAMS Facebook page . It was a success — teachers were able to interact with students , their families , and the community while sharing positive messages from the comfort and safety of their own homes .
With the positive response towards the Facebook videos , the group continued to plan activities , such as a virtual Spirit Week , online lunch groups , Zoom special guests , and class
Congratulations TAMS 8th graders !
Last spring , when the eighth grade class at TAMS didn ’ t get to celebrate the culmination of their middle school days in a traditional way , the eighth grade parent group and teachers found a way to honor their achievements with celebratory yard signs .
Congratulations TAMSters ! show-and-tells . Students and teachers alike were hungry for the sense of community that these opportunities fostered , and looked forward to these ongoing connections .
While the fall still holds many uncertainties , the TAMS community continues to seek ways to build relationships , create opportunities for connectivity , and support their students and families through these ever-changing times .
14 Story by Bob LaPauloue ' 93 · Photos Courtesy of TAMS Staff