Thornton Academy Postscripts Alumni Magazine Fall 2020 | Page 12


Embracing Fun : Kristin Smythe , TA ' s 2020 Teacher of the Year


Some excellent teachers bring excitement and joy to the classroom , while others support their students in a caring and nurturing manner . Thornton Academy ’ s 2020 Teacher of the Year , Kristin Smythe , somehow does it all .

As Teacher of the Year , Smythe has been recognized by Thornton Academy ’ s administration and fellow teachers for excellence in the classroom . Before being announced as Teacher of the Year in 2020 , she was nominated by her peers in 2018 and 2019 .
“ Kristin is one of the warmest , most thoughtful , and most genuine teachers with whom I ' ve ever come in contact . I believe she is unmatched in terms of her determination to connect with and motivate her unique student population . She approaches her students ' learning and life challenges with calm respect . She is creative in finding interesting and meaningful ways to present her program curriculum , orchestrating myriad elements such as varied teaching strategies , support staff , equipment , materials , and technology . She strives always to enable her students , drawing on their unique abilities . Kristin sees their abilities rather focusing exclusively on their ' needs ' so as to best foster positive interactions with everyone they encounter [ in ] daily life . In short , Kristin is a star ,” said Susan Tarver , Thornton Academy ’ s Director of Internal Communications , and one of the four TA staff members who nominated Smythe for Teacher of the Year .
Smythe has been a teacher in Thornton Academy ’ s Functional Life Skills ( FLS ) program since 2014 . The FLS program educates students with developmental disabilities . While some students in the FLS program enroll in mainstream classes with their peers , others remain in a separate
12 Story by Katy Nicketakis · Photos Courtesy of Thornton Academy