Thornton Academy Postscripts Alumni Magazine Fall 2019 | Page 20

C LAS S N OT E S Class of 1942 Class of 1954 Class of 1969 From Lucille Martin Fennell’s son, Patrick: "I am very sorry to inform Thornton Academy of my mother's passing on February 27, 2019. She was a proud graduate of the Class of 1942 and enjoyed attending the Senior Reunions. My mother met my father while she was selling tickets in the Main building for the Thornton vs North Quincy High football game in the Fall of 1941. (My father was from Quincy, MA.) It was love at first sight." Tsomides Associates Architects Planners, owned by Constantine Tsomides, is in its 41 st year of private architectural practice. It has created award-winning designs for not- for-profit retirement communities and continuing care retirement communities. Meredith Searle Roberts wants to remind her classmates that the class of 1969 50 th Reunion celebration is October 19 th —also Homecoming Weekend! Contact Merry at [email protected] with any questions. Class of 1958 2018 was a big year for Allen Sicard! Al was elected York County (Maine) Commissioner. Allen and his wife Mary Kiely Sicard ’75 also welcomed grandson, Calven, born to daughter Jessica Sicard Nannery ’03 and her husband, Patrick Nannery ’99. Class of 1949 Gertrude “Dolly” Haskell Cote is living in Fort Myers, FL with daughter Mary Cote Larkin ’76. She moved from St. Petersburg, FL where she had lived near Linda Cote Selker ’80. To submit a class note, please email [email protected] While Mary Neal Morrison doesn’t drive to Maine anymore, she is able to visit when her son, Tom, who lives in Buxton, brings her back. While in Maine, she spends time with her daughter, Deborah, who lives in West Paris. She also sees great grandson, Kurt, who will attend kindergarten in Saco this fall. Deborah Love Olstad is quite the traveler! She visited Mount Denali last year and whales in Baja, California this year. Next stop: Africa! Class of 1963 Carol Begley Gray writes, “After teaching for 35 years, I retired to a part-time job teaching adults GED preparation. Now I tutor, oil paint, and read. Having a condo in Kennebunk, I enjoy the Ogunquit Playhouse in the summer. Life has been and is good!” Class of 1965 Ron Forest still enjoys his work after 52 years. He now works with his daughter and grandson at Ron Forest & Son's Fence Company. Class of 1975 Class of 1976 Christy Brouillard Barnes recently moved to Eastover, SC and already loves it. After losing her parents, Christy decided not to spend another cold winter in Maine. “I know I'll miss Maine a little bit, but I'm enjoying the sun and warm weather. I'll always be thinking of my family and friends in Maine.” Mary Cote Larkin has lived in Fort Myers, Florida for 20 years. She misses the summers in Saco. Alumni Take the Stage Several TA alumni joined Josh Groban on stage during his concert at the Cross Insurance Arena in Portland on June 24th! Camille Curtis Saucier ’88, founder and director of Voices in Harmony Choirs, invited 20 local singers to serve as Groban’s background choir, including TA alumni Daniel Laverriere ’18, Erika Dube ’97, Giselle Tardiff ’90, and Michelle Hansen Snow ’87. Photo courtesy of Jon Dustin 20