Thornton Academy Postscripts Alumni Magazine Fall 2018 | Page 30
Bryan and Kim Christoforo
Richard Drown
Melissa Dubovik
Chris Friedman
George W. Gagnon, Jr. and Michelle
Maureen Genthner
Paul Genthner
David and Kim Goren
Daniel Hall
Dale W. and Joyce Hansen
Susan Haskell
Elizabeth Langelier Hill
Zachary Hull
Kathlyn Dentico Killian
William LaVallee
Dianne Cote Law
Alan and Susan Willey Marston
Lillian Lagueux Minarik
Gregory and Cathy Paradis
Shirley Peck
Janet Burrill Polanski
Roland and Margaret Vangel Regis
Ralph F. and Catherine Rumery
David and Nicole C. Tillyer Ryan
Kevin and Kathryn Hazelton Savage
Donald and Susan Sharland
Robert and Parise Skoczenski
Carl and Lorali Roth Smith
William J. Soucy, Sr.
Fred W. and Sharon Stackpole, Jr.
Frank and Marjorie Cote Stewart
Susan B. Tarver
Richard Thompson and Pam Davis
Penelope Fisher Tosatti
Robert A. Wentworth
Sheila Austin Wyatt
Centennial Club
Gifts of $100 to $149
Blow Brothers, Inc.
Bright Funds Foundation
Capozza Tile Co., Inc.
Casco Bay Veterinary Hospital
Jones and Warren, PA
Saco Valley Credit Union
University of Maine at Presque Isle
Alan and Sharon Staples Alexander
Matthew Amoroso
Mary Gay Baldyga
Elizabeth Lowe Baran
Anne Casavant Barba
Roland and Patricia Martin Beaudoin
Deborah and Ron Bender
Cynthia R. Biggar
Raymond G. and Cynthia Bland Biggar
Chad and Hollie Binette
Ronald and Rachel Bolduc
Mary-Louise Ridley Boucouvalas
Helen Lundy Boyd
Nancy Atkinson Brookshire
H. Elise Edford Brower
Brittany Brown
Pauline Brown
Frederick and Susan Emerson Burgess
Barbara Googins Caldwell
Carrie Callahan
Tracy Campbell
Winifred A. Chisholm
AdriAnne Curtis
Christine Dalapas
Pamela Estes Davis
Josh and Alisha Delcourt
Rebecca Smith DeLuca
Mike Desjardins
Barry and Valerie McCallum
Brad Dexter
Nicholas and Christina Doukeris
Faith Sawyer Eikaas
Judith Hargreaves Fichtenbaum
Stephen Fink
Stephen Fogg
Virginia Munroe Forrest
Daniel Frost
Elizabeth Furbish
Brett and Abigail Swardlick Gagnon
Isaac D. Gagnon
Roberta Sargent Gallant
George and Mary Jane Gendron
Pierre and Cynthia Turgeon Giroux
Peter C. and Lorraine Gordon
Ann Scammon Grant
Elaine R. Haley
Joyce C. Boothby Hansler
Robert P. Hewes, Ph.D.
Dexter Hill Jr.
Meghan and Kevin Houde
Iaryna Iasenytska
Marilyn Macomber Ives
Lynne Cunningham Jackson
Jeffrey Jarry
Linda Morancy Kimball
Sharon Field Laflamme
Kevin and Carla Lafortune
John and Dianne Lemoine
Suzanne Cote Lemont
Joseph C. and Patricia LePauloue
Robert and Alexandra LePauloue
Joel J. Levesque
Allie Sherman Libby
Robert Linnell
David A. Loranger
George E. Mapes, Jr. *
Patricia A. Massie
Mark and Susan McDonough
Patricia McMullen
Stephen Meserve and Rosemary Kane
Robert E. Miniutti
Hanna Mogyorosi
Mary Ellen Donovan Molloy
Alison Leach Moore
Jack and Sheri Morrison
Mary Neal Morrison
William Nason
Jeffrey A. Nathanson
Katherine Nicketakis
Harry and Deborah Larose Nielson
Paul and Elizabeth Norwood
Patricia Olinger
Douglas Parker
Scott Parsons and Brittany Brown
Rosavilla and Farley Penaflorida
Lane and Tamara Perkins
Guy and Shelley Arnold Picard
Robert and Gisele Poirier
Charles Pollock
Michael and Carol Prejean
Elizabeth Procter-Gray
Susan Dupuis Rice
Bonnie Roberts
Pamela Roberts and Scott McInturff
Debbie Alley Robertson
Betsy Greene Ross
Matthew Ruben
Adam Rumery
Benjamin Rumery
E. Turner and Doreen Rumery
Shawn Rumery
Mark Ryder
William M. Sanborn
Charles N. Scamman
Elizabeth Milliken Schumaker
Horst Seeley
Lodel B. and Jennifer A. Seneres
Karen Sheehan
Allen R. and Mary Kiely Sicard
Kevin J. and Linda Simard
Colette Sirois
Rachel Jean Whipple Small
Linda Sprague-Lambert
Kevin Sullivan
Phyllis Grace Taylor
The Thibeau Family
Normand and Marianne Trottier
Paul Von Stamwitz
K. Aldene Walters
Robert H. Warner, Jr. and Hanna Dyer
Erwin C. Warren
Charles and Irene Colpitts Wood, Jr.
Beverly Manseau Woolverton
Joan Crogan Youngs
Golden Trojan Club
Gifts up to $99
Alicia J Nichols Fundraising Counsel
Duvall Downing, LLC
IBM Corporation
Kennebunk Savings Bank
Prudential Financial Inc
Elizabeth Mazeiko Abdulla
Ali and Beth Ahmida
Joanne Foss Allen
Lois Barth
Eric Basford
Donald Beaudoin
Ethel Boothby Beaudoin
Shirley Hayford Beaudoin
Patricia Hobbs Bedell
Nicholas Belair
Ann Howard Benedict
Gerard Bilodeau
Danielle R. Bogardus
James E. Boissonneault
Rita Choroszy Boudreau
Margaret "Peggy" Moore Bourque
Constance Auger Boutet
Robert Boutet
Max Brandt
Inga Sandvoss Browne
Larry and Patsy Buchanan
Craig and Angela Sabo Burgess
Marjorie Lamb Burgin
Jennifer Conley Burnett
Donald Burnham
Elizabeth Bussiere-Nichols
Walter and Charlotte Butler
Brian L. Callahan
Ilayda Celik
Ruth McGovern Chadbourne
Lawrence Chern
Thomas Clarke
John and Gail Cloutier
Alton B. Cole
Richard and Helen McAuliffe
Thomas and Deborah Courtney
Cheryl Gibson Cuneo
Philip Curtis
Megan Dall
Sonia Damon
Peter and Angela Dell'Erba
Richard and Madeleine Cote
Margaret Patterson Descoteaux
Beverly Grant Dodge
Susan Field Dow
Marilisa and James Dowling
Carleton Driscoll
Norman R. Dubois
Roland E. Dubois
Meredith Duffy
Frederick and Virginia Brown Dupee,
Nancy Parent Eldredge
Pamela Deschambeault Emerson
Bryce Fedder
Lucille Martin Fennell
Claudia Bell Ferguson
Rhonda and Max Folmer
Edmund and Lauren Chenard Folsom
Kamila Foltynova
Ruth Drysdale Frazier
Rita Simanonok Gagnon
Scott Gallant
David B. Gannon
Pamela Turgeon Garrity
Amy Johnson Glidden
Pauline R. Cote Godin
Roger and Donna Gonneville
Dale Robin Goodman
Carol Langlois Goodrich
Judith Rowe Govoni
Janet Tripp Grant
Ben Grasso
Michael and Mary Lou Bedard Gray
Karla and Robert Green
Susan Andrews Guignard
Vita Gerardi Hansmeyer
Jeffrey M. Harper
Bill Harrison
Merrill Henderson and Joseph Seale
Donald and June Wells Hill
Helen Rancourt Hilton
William and Suyapa Hirst
George C. Holston
Larry Hooper
Polly Ann Grace Howatt
David and Carolyn Winslow Johnson
Sharon L. Kelley
Judith and David Kennedy
Rita Snow Keylor
Bill and Jean Taylor Kimball
Christine Letellier Kimball
Andy Kochis
Rick Kochis
Shirley Harrisburg Korobkin
Donna Boutet LaCroix
Harvey LaMontagne, Jr.
Joan Morse LaMontagne
Kristin LaPlante
Stephen Lariviere
Gary and Catherine Roberts Larkin
Sharon Anderson LeBlanc
Donna Hill Lee
Marjorie A. Mullen Lord
Jerry and Liz Mansfield
Albert Martin
Nancy and Rob Martin
Raymond Martin
Esther Burnside Martindale
David A. Massie
Jason K. Maurice
Christopher McCallum
Florence Ross McCormick