Thornton Academy Postscripts Alumni Magazine Fall 2016 | Page 2
rom the Headmaster
Headmaster Rene M. Menard ’88
listens to Gerald Mailman ’48 as
he explains photographs from his
family collection. Story on p. 30.
Dear Alumni, Parents, and Friends
of Thornton Academy,
school of excellence – one committed to serving the diverse
needs of our students, families, and broader community.
From one generation to the next, countless Thornton
Academy alums, parents, and friends have shared that
This fall edition of Postscripts explores the theme of
responsibility as well. Each one of us has benefitted from the
“responsibility,” one of four Core Values that guide
generosity of those who came before us, alumni who ensured
our work with students, parents, faculty and staff. In
that students would enjoy the same opportunities and
its simplest form,
traditions that
are the hallmark
means accepting
the responsibility to ensure that TA remains a school of
of the Thornton
accountability for
one’s actions. The
Each of us has
Thornton Academy
vested interest
community strives to model responsibility and foster it
and responsibility to “pay it forward.” Today’s students are
in our students, but the concept of responsibility is much
the next generation of Thornton alums, the promise we keep
to our future.
Playwright George Bernard Shaw famously observed
that, “We are made wise not by the recollection of the
past, but by the responsibility for our future.” Nowhere is
that responsibility more evident than in the commitment
of Thornton Academy’s Board of Trustees to steward
our resources, oversee the vision of our school, and plan
strategically to bring that vision to reality.
For more than 200 years, Thornton trustees have
shouldered the responsibility to ensure that TA remains a
We are committed to graduating responsible young adults
prepared and motivated to follow in the footsteps of the
thoughtful and engaged alumni who are profiled in the pages
that follow.
Rene M. Menard ’88, Headmaster