Thornton Academy Postscripts Alumni Magazine Fall 2016 | Page 19

also participated for the first time in Academic WorldQuest competitions this past school year. Competitions against other high schools challenged students in the global affairs categories of Geography, The Arctic, NATO, Asia Matters, Food Security, and Current Events. Mr. Nelson and English teacher Tom Rackmales served as advisors for three teams, two of which won First and Second Place at the statewide competition, held at Falmouth High School in February 2016. The winners earned an expense-paid trip to the National WorldQuest Competition in Washington, D.C. in April, hosted by the World Affairs Councils of America (WACA) and held at the National Press Club. Prior to their departure, City of Four Thornton Academy students (class of 2018) from Saco competed at the National WorldQuest Saco Mayor Ron Michaud and City Competition. Left to right: Vincent Falardeau, Ethan Nadeau, Owen Hey, and Amber Coxen. Council honored the State Champions at Saco City Hall by presenting them with depended upon engagement with many countries around commemorative coins in front of the Council, and wishing the world, and encouraging our students to develop a global them well at the National Competition. Justin Chenette mindset is critical to our future success...we were happy to honored the students with a legislative sentiment, and see Thornton Academy join the competition this year and Wade Merritt, Vice President of the Maine International congratulate the students on their success!” Trade Center (MITC) said, “Maine’s economy has always The Units in Mr. Nelson’s AP Human Geography Course: The Nature and Perspectives of Geography • Population and Migration • Culture • Political Geography • Agriculture • Economic • Geography • Urban Geography Thornton’s team placed 8th at the National WorldQuest Competition for high school students. The trip included extensive historical and cultural ­learning with stops at the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, National Mall, Jefferson, Lincoln, and FDR Monuments/Memorials, Holocaust Museum, Renwick Gallery, National Zoo, Iwo Jima Memorial, and Arlington National Cemetery. Delgates compete at the National Press Club (photo credit: The World Affairs Councils of America). 19