Thornton Academy Postscripts Alumni Magazine Fall 2015 | Page 21
“It has been important to me to create a culture at
the middle school that is inviting for students and
staff. I foster opportunities for staff to grow and set
professional development goals. But a successful
workplace boils down to relationships—in this case
between me and the teaching staff. It’s important to
model the value of relationships and let this trickle
down to students. I want the Thornton Academy
Middle School to be a place where students know that
we care about them. They’re not only a student, but a
person and an individual.
have succeeded here, becoming citizens who contribute to our
TA community in positive and productive ways.”
Tiffany reflected on the changes, “For each of the past ten years,
we have improved and refined our practice. Over the years, our
student diversity has increased. Now, in addition to Arundel
students, we serve students from Saco, Dayton, Scarborough,
South Portland and Portland.”
Now that the ten-year contract through which all Arundel
middle school students attend Thornton Academy will expire
in June 2016, many parents are wondering what will happen
“We foster this culture of
next. Tiffany said, “Even though the
respect in the very first
Arundel contract is ending, we will
Now that the ten-year contract through which all
few days of school called
continue to be a choice for Arundel
Arundel middle school students attend Thornton
‘Community Building
families. We were built as their school
Academy will expire in June 2016, many parents
Days.’ We devote three
and we will continue to serve them.”
are wondering what will happen next. Tiffany said,
days to exploring what a
“Even though the \