Thornton Academy Postscripts Alumni Magazine Fall 2015 | Page 2
rom the Headmaster
Dear Alumni, Parents, and Friends
of Thornton Academy,
Headmaster Menard speaks
with Board of Trustee member
Bill Johnson at the Volunteer
Appreciation Tailgate. See the
story about the Unsung Hero
Award announced that evening
on p. 25.
that vision to reality. Every trustee loves Thornton Academy
and wants the school to be the best it can be. (Trustee Vangel
Cotsis ’85 eloquently describes his commitment to the Board
on p. 26).
Since this issue of Postscripts devotes itself to the theme
of Service, I would like to share that it’s a privilege and an
honor to serve as Headmaster of Thornton Academy, a
The Board of Trustees has positioned Thornton Academy
school that I had the good fortune to attend myself. This
in a way that has expanded and improved its academic
is the school that my children will call their alma mater—
programming. The opening of the new STEM Center this
my daughter
fall is just one example of
“For more than 200 years, the Board of Trustees has been the proactive innovations
attends the
the ‘keepers of the keys,’ those volunteers who serve and ensuring that we prepare
middle school
students for a changing
steward our mission, holding it in trust.”
(you can read
world (see story on p. 9, 12).
a profile on
Your generosity made this
its Principal on p. 20-21) and, in two years, my son will
possible; your desire to honor those who taught and prepared
enroll. This is the school that I believe in and all that it
you will make a difference for generations to come.
represents. This is the school that I love—the place and
all that it stands for. It motivates and drives me. In all of
So, as you read through the stories that follow, and hear
this, I am in good company.
how alumni feel about service, I thank all of you—staff,
parents, teachers, alumni, and friends—for your ongoing
I am especially grateful for the support and service of the
commitment to Thornton Academy’s mission. It is through
Board of Trustees. For more than 200 years, Thornton
our combined efforts that we are able to provide an
trustees have voluntarily served our school, balancing
outstanding educational experience for all students.
tradition with innovation, focusing attention on our
educational mission, and stewarding our resources. The
board ensures the viability and excellence of this school.
Rene M. Menard ’88, Headmaster
They oversee the vision, and plan strategically to bring