Thornton Academy Postscripts Alumni Magazine Fall 2015 | Page 18
TA International
President’s Award
On May 18, Headmaster Rene Menard
accepted a prestigious President’s “E” Award
in Washington, D.C. on behalf of Thornton
Academy. Secretary of Commerce Penny
Pritzker conferred the award, saying, “The ‘E’
Awards Committee was very impressed with
Thornton Academy’s demonstrated economic
and cultural impact in its community through
the education of foreign students, and that
the innovative program offerings were also
particularly notable.” The “E” Award was
created by President Kennedy in 1961 to
recognize persons, firms or organizations that
contribute significantly in the effort to increase
United States exports, in this case, exporting
an educational experience. U.S. Secretary of
Commerce Penny Pritzker (far left) officially
conveyed the award to Headmaster Rene
Menard, second from right)
Thornton Academy Chinese Parent Association
Donates STEM Center Classroom
Several classrooms in the new STEM Center were made possible by the generosity of gifts from the Thornton Academy
community. One classroom was donated by many alumni in honor of three teachers (see story p. 9). Another classroom
was donated by Thornton Academy’s Chinese Parent Association (see photo below).
Director of Development Lindsay LaPrad Hudnor said, “Thornton Academy parents in China were excited that the
new laboratories and classrooms would enrich their students’ educational experience and help prepare them for their
undergraduate career. They wanted to support this project.”
The concept of fundraising for high schools is a new idea in China. Thornton Academy hired Shiyun “Claudia” Zhao
to serve as Thornton Academy’s ambassador for Advancement (Alumni, Admissions, and Development). Claudia said,
“I serve as a resource for international parents and provide them with information about campus activities so that they
can remain engaged with the community.” Claudia travelled in March with Headmaster Menard, Associate Head of
Advancement John Ritzo and Foreign Language teacher/International Student Advisor Chia-Ju “Phoebe” Hsieh to Beijing,
Shanghai, and