Thornton Academy Postscripts Alumni Magazine Fall 2014 | Page 6
PDT Architects
(Science-Technology-Engineering-Math) Center
Thornton Academy’s Board of Trustees has voted to construct a $2 million STEM Center
addition to the Scamman Building, beginning in 2015. Here’s why: while the demand for workers in STEM
(Science-Technology-Engineering-Math) fields rises in Maine and the United States, TA science facilities have not
undergone necessary renovations in many decades. Science Department Chair Christy Lajoie said, “The addition will
mean more students will have access to more opportunities...currently only AP Chemistry students are able use fume
hoods, classrooms do not have the hot water necessary for many experiments, and the permanently fixed furniture
doesn’t allow for ‘hands-on learning’ style of teaching. By positioning the classrooms next to one another, teachers will
be able to collaborate on their lesson plans, manage materials better, and increase departmental communication.”
This addition will include:
• four state-of-the-art biology and chemistry laboratory classrooms - each a spacious 1,400 square feet;
• installation of hot water, ceiling-mounted electricity, and fume hood facilities that meet the latest health and safety
standards and increase the number of students who can access science work stations