Thornton Academy Postscripts Alumni Magazine Fall 2013 | Page 22

of Berkeley Springs, WV. We are planning to get married June 2014 at Foxcroft School in Middleburg, VA.” Class of 2001 Hanako Sargent Cashin writes, “ I graduated from the University of New Hampshire in 2005 and currently work on the Field and Shared Services Training team at Unum. I’m happily married to my college sweetheart, Mike Cashin who is a physical therapist at Saco Bay Physical Therapy in the Kennebunk office. We have a two year old daughter named Abigail. We enjoy spending time together as a family with our Boston Terrier, Brodie.” IN M EM OR IA M Deasey and her husband Ryan are expecting their second child in December. Class of 2006 Katie Jannelle has successfully completed a Masters of Science in Global & International Education from Drexel University. Her thesis titled, ‘Adding International,’ looked at the changes at Thornton due to the addition of the international program. Katie has recently relocated to Melbourne, Florida with her fiance, Joseph. A May 2014 wedding in the White Mountains area is planned. Nicholas Laskey and Marisa Bath Laskey are expecting their first child in March 2014. Jill Santamore and Justin Blake were married on September 14, 2013. Richard Strickland III writes “Well I figured since I haven’t talked to many people back in the TA area in over 5 years I would be kind and give an update. I’m currently in the US Army as a Uh-60 helicopter mechanic as well as a Aviation Life Support Equipment tech. I’ve been in for more than 3.5 Class of 2003 Jessica Paul Butler writes, “I just passed my certification test for certified surgical first assistant. I also just received a promotion at work to become the clinic leader of the urology, GYN/OB, ENT specialties at MCMH”. Bethany Lowe writes “ I was recently engaged to Daniel Stotler In Memoriam Connor Chretien’s life was short – he was only a freshmen from the Class of 2016 – but those who were touched by him understood that the quality of life far exceeded the quantity of time in which he lived. His smile, sense of humor and boisterous laugh melted the hearts of those around him, and even though his speech was limited, his voice and thoughts were always understood by many. With his courage, he led us to believe that each day is a blessing and an opportunity to create lasting memories. The Thornton Academy community and family celebrated Connor and honored his memory in a number of ways, including the memorial gathering on campus this spring (see right). Also, the Connor Chretien 1st Annual Memorial Scholarship Walk ‘n Roll & Tree Planting Ceremony took place on October 5, 2013 (Connor’s birthday) at Thornton Academy. The event included a two-mile walk along the Eastern Trail located behind the school followed by a tree planting ceremony by the Class of 2016. 22 POSTSCRIPTS years now and have a 10 month deployment I returned from earlier this year and set to deploy again next year. I’m stationed in Germany where I have met my wife. I’m also in the process of finishing my degree in Communications and New Media with hopes of transfer to Photo Journalism. Well that’s m