Thornton Academy Postscripts Alumni Magazine Fall 2013 | Page 20
Class of 1957
Robert Wilbur is currently living in
an assisted living facility where he is
being treated for a problem with his
leg. They are helping him exercise so
that he can continue with the use of
his leg.
Class of 1963
If anyone would like to be a friend
to Judy Maguire Schnell she is a
publisher and would like to hear from
the class! jschnell@stackpolebooks.
com. Peter Atwater has been
coaching a very successful pro-am
basketball team in Utah with his
sons called the AtwaterBoys. They
are a recreational adult basketball
team from Northern Utah that has
dominated the region for nearly 20
years. This year they advanced to the
Taylorsville Pro-AM Championship
game by beating Westminster
Class of 1968
Charles Tufts is bidding farewell to
his home for the past 3 1/2 years, in
Saigon, Vietnam. He will be heading
back to Maine to rejoin Coldwell
Banker Team Real Estate as CFO and
VP of Marketing. Over the past 2 1/2
years Charles has been restructuring
Skechers S.A.R.L., a Swiss subsidiary
of Skechers USA, operations
headquartered in Saigon, handling
product development and production
in Cambodia and Vietnam. During that
time he had the privilege of traveling
extensively in Malaysia, Thailand,
TA Alumni:
Fill Us In!
look up your agent at
or contact us at:
Thornton Academy
438 Main Street
Saco, ME 04072-1565
Kathryn Danylik-Lagasse
[email protected]
Cambodia and Vietnam.
Class of 1974
Stephen R. Dupuis and Helen
Heffernan were married at their
residence on Stacy Street in Saco on
Saturday, April 13th 2013. Performing
the ceremony was Denise Rondeau
Class of 1975
Janice L. Pendleton recently
competed in the National Senior
Olympics in Cleveland, Ohio. The
sport she competed in was AA
Division Basketball, age group 55-59.
Her team Quicksilver took home the
gold medal in their division. Janice
played basketball her four years at
Thornton. She has been employed at
LL Bean for the last 27 years, currently
serving as a supervisor. Janice
resides in Brunswick. Al Sicard was
noted in the local Courier about the
Shuttlebus-Zoom bus service. His
firm, Rocky Coast Marketing, raises
some $250,000 annually for the
non-profit operated by the BiddefordSaco-OOB Transit committee. RCM
handles all aspects of placing clients
in transit advertising for the bus
Class of 1976
Janet Leary-Prowse writes “Spencer
and I celebrated our 30th wedding
anniversary on June 18th 2013.
In May our oldest son, Kendall
graduated from the University of
Delaware with a BS in Exercise
Science with a concentration in
Bioethics. He will take a few years off
working in the Industrial Hygiene lab
at Dupont before applying to medical
school. Our youngest son, Graham is
a senior in high school. College visits
and applications coming up!”
Class of 1978
Andrea Boucouvalas Coreau has
been named Senior Vice President
of retail banking at Fairfield County
Bank. She is responsible for the
administration and operation of the
entire network of 20 branch locations.
Class of 1979
Edward Dubé retired from the Saco
Fire Department after 40 years of
service. He started at the age of 12 as
a mascot for the Camp Ellis Volunteer
Fire Department. He started full time
with the Saco Fire Department just
four days after graduation. He retired
on September 28th as the Deputy
Fire Chief, He is now working with
some of his classmates at Saco &
Biddeford Savings Bank as a facilities
Class of 1980
Troy Munford received the
Governor’s Award for Tourism
Excellence. See full story in Alumni in
the News.
Class of 1983
Randy S. Eastman writes “ 2013 has
been an interesting so far - moved
from Biddeford to OOB during the
Blizzard of 2013 in February. I retired
from the Naval Reserves on March
1st 2013 with 20 yrs 3 mo and 28
days of service. I have enjoyed some
fun events this summer locally & out
of state and also volunteering for
the Mothers SeaDog 5K, 6th Annual
Ride n Rock, and going down to
Fenway to assist with the 50/50
Raffle with the Red Sox Foundation.
I enjoyed my 30th Class Reunion
- it was great seeing classmates
whom I haven’t seen in 30 years and
others I see or chat with regularly,
thanks to Facebook. Now as Fall
2013 approaches I enjoy attending
TA Football. My new venture will