Thornton Academy Postscripts Alumni Magazine Fall 2012 | Page 8

In t h e C lassr o o m Striking the Right Note Nellia McKenney ‘13 sings in concert choir class. turns leading for the good of the performance. Jennifer WItherall-Stebbins conducting during the student Midwinter Arts Performance You’ve seen it; you’re sitting and watching a jazz combo perform when one musician leads and the other follows. Then they shift; the follower becomes the leader and vice versa. Software development leader and jazz musician Adrian Cho names this trio of collaboration, innovation, and agility as at USM are required to complete an internship with a school of their choice. This internship encompasses at least one hour a week of teaching experience. Each USM student is responsible for one small ensemble - planning the lesson, arranging the music, rehearsing, and then presenting to the entire “The small ensembles are a tangible group at the end of the night,” outlet for students practicing the said Witherellcreative process in a safe and Stebbins. Among the USM nurturing environment.” students are two TA alums: Sam fundamental elements of the “jazz Lyons ’10 and Nick Allen ’10. process.” Thanks to a new “Honors Small Ensembles” x-block class, Work environments have changed Thornton Academy students and a great deal over the last decade. University of Southern Maine music People in social media and majors are learning how to innovate digital technology tend to work in and collaborate together. environments that are collaborative and malleable, Witherell-Stebbins Taught by Jennifer Witherellexplains. This brings us back to Stebbins, the Honors Small that jazz combo. Adrian Cho calls Ensembles class enables four these large open workspaces USM students to work with 22 TA “decentralized leadership,” where students. “Junior year music majors musicians coordinate and take Postscripts • 8 Witherell-Stebbins feels the small ensembles have everything to do with this kind of creative collaboration. “The small ensembles are a tangible outlet for students practicing the creative process in a safe and nurturing environment where everyone has a voice, gets a turn to take initiative, and contributes to the good of the performance. Through their music class, they are gaining skills that will follow them into the college experience and the workforce.” -P.E.