Thornton Academy Postscripts Alumni Magazine Fall 2012 | Page 2
In the World that Awaits Them
“Arts foster the very attributes
our youth need in the world
that awaits them.”
Thornton Academy Players’ next production,
range of creative skills and abilities that complement
Arthur Miller’s classic play The Crucible, opens soon
their academic proficiencies. Researchers Brian
in our Garland Auditorium. This play joins regular art
Coppola and Yong Zhao comment, “What seems to be
exhibits sponsored by the Visual Arts department in
underappreciated in this country is how actively [other
our beautiful O’Neill Gallery, student-created TA-TV
countries’ education systems] are trying to embrace the
studio broadcasts on the station’s YouTube channel,
values and outcomes that we appear to be so willing
performances by the Thornton Academy Dance
to abandon: specifically, the American penchant for
Company, and many musical performances shared
promoting creativity, individualism, innovation, and
with standing-room-only crowds. The goals and
nonconformity.” Art, music, drama and dance are critical
accomplishments of Thornton Academy’s Arts Program
for all students to participate fully in a future economy that
are synonymous with creativity at Thornton Academy and
depends on the ability to devise innovative solutions to
are an important element of how we “prepare students for
meet tough challenges, some that we can’t yet imagine.
a changing world.”
The arts foster the very attributes our youth need in the
Studying arts in the Maine economy, the
University of Southern Maine’s Center for Business and
world that awaits them.
Thornton Academy welcomes you to enjoy the
Economic Research found that the role of arts and culture
creativity of our students. Whether you’re viewing gallery
industries is substantial in our state’s economy. I was
artwork, hearing a guest lecture in the library, or attending
surprised to learn from this study that arts occupations
any of our wonderful plays, musicals, or concerts, I hope
employ as many Maine workers as do our wood products
you consider Thornton Academy as a cultural center that is
companies. That suggests a bright future right here in
right in your neighborhood.
Maine for our developing artists, but it’s not the sole
reason Thornton Academy advocates for the arts.
This fast-paced, dynamic, technologicallyadvanced world requires all students to develop a
Rene M. Menard ‘88