Thornton Academy Postscripts Alumni Magazine Fall 2012 | Page 13

admaster’s House as it The entrance to the He eption was “furnished like a rec appeared in 1935 when it of TA Archives. room.” Photo courtesy TA TAeasu r esr e Tr Tr easu With over two hundred yea rs under its belt, Thornto n Academy presents us with countless opportunities to celebrate the historical resources that we curate here on campus: artifacts, documents, photographs, architecture, paintings, ephemera, and dec orative arts, to name a few. This issue: th e Headmaster’s House. “Tell Professor Woodbury to come. He shall have a suitable home in which to live.” -Mrs. Annie Calef Thornton (widow of C.G. Thornton) • Th ird b const uilding ruct • co mplet ed on cam ed in pus • bu 1906 ilt on site Q