Thornton Academy Postscripts Alumni Magazine Fall 2010 | Page 25

Complex Services. Jennifer writes she is “happily married to my best friend Steve, and enjoying my adult children Ben, 22 (living in Massachusetts and has a job in Telecom) and Aisha (living and working in York County). We helped my parents move to their new home and they are in the process of selling the one on Beach Street. I am truly enjoying life and middle age!” Lorri Davis LeBarge shares, “Hello to all my fellow Alumni and friends at TA. My husband Michael LeBarge ’76, and I have been living in Chesapeake, Virginia for 16 years. I’ve been working for the Virginia Department of Corrections, St. Brides Correctional Center for almost 13 years. We have a son Thomas 12. We try to visit Maine at least once a year. Thomas spent his first summer in Maine with my brother Todd Davis ’81 and his wife Michelle Brunelle Davis ’82, first time without Mike and I. Thomas will be the only family member to NOT graduate from TA. Miss everyone but must admit we don’t miss the cold and snow.” Carole A. Walker LePaouloue became a grandmother on December 27, 2009, to Dustin Marshall Giroux, Jr. Carole writes, “I continue to suffer the devastating loss of my son Dustin Giroux ’03 on August 1, 2010. My daughter Vanessa LePauloue ’08 is continuing her education in Graphic Arts in Florida. Presently I am teaching Technology Education in Somersworth, NH. I completed my Master’s Degree in Education at Cambridge College”. 1984 Class Agents David K. LePauloue 121 Clarks Mills Rd Dayton, ME 04005-7120 207-49