Thornton Academy Postscripts Alumni Magazine Fall 2010 | Page 14
Development News
Giving to TA:
Helen Martin Freise Donation Received
in Memory of George Martin
excellent teachers and the spouses
The generosity of Helen Martin
who support them. Joining the
Freise, who died in August, has
group also reflects Freise’s fond
provided Thornton Academy with
memories of the students and
an unrestricted gift of $15,000 in
friends that she and her husband
memory of her husband George
met at TA over the years.
After Martin’s passing, Freise
Freise was 102 years old when
was married to Erik O. Pierson,
she passed away. She was well
former works manager at Sacoknown for her support of TA and
Lowell, from 1964 until his death in
enjoyment of events geared to
1987 and enjoyed a third marriage
senior alumni. Her first husband,
to Frederick E. Freise, an old
George E. Martin, was a TA math
teaching and coaching college of
teacher; he also coached football at
her first
from 1935
at South
to 1943
elen lived all her life as
Portland, in
and in
a good and kind person. Her
1994. Mr.
2008 was
bequest to Thornton in Coach
Freise died
Martin’s memory is yet another
in 2001.
into the
way in which Helen lived her life
– with passion inspiring others to
make a difference and appreciate
Helen since
Hall of
those in your life.”
1945,” says
– Bill Kany ’49 Bill Kany
A near
Member, Developmemnt ’49, who’s
resident of
Committee part of
Saco, Freise
& Member, 1811 Society the 1811
was born
with wife Anne Baker Kany ’52 Society
with wife
in Boston,
Mass. She
Baker Kany
’52 and who sits on the TA
her early years in Medford and
graduated from Bryant and Stratton Development Committee. “Helen
and her husband George Martin,
Business School in Boston. In 1946
former TA Football Coach, were
she moved to Maine with Martin,
great friends with my parents.
to whom she was married until his
Helen lived all her life as a good
death in 1961, and she worked 20
and kind person. Her bequest
years as a secretary at Saco Lowell
to Thornton in Coach Martin’s
memory is yet another way in
Freise became acquainted with
which Helen lived her life – with
Thornton through her marriage
passion inspiring others to make a
and by substitute teaching at the
difference and appreciate those in
school. She was a charter member
your life.”
of the 1811 Society, which was
Learn more about planned
created in 2003 to honor and
giving: To learn more about the
recognize those individuals who
1811 Society and the planned
bequest money, property or
giving options available to friends
securities to the school, often
and alumni of Thornton Academy,
through a will. By remembering the
contact Lisa Morin at 207-602-4456
school in her estate plans, Freise
or lisa.morin@thorntonacademy.
affirms the school’s long line of
Gifts with a
About the 1811 Society
While the annual fund
provides crucial support to
Thornton Academy, it is the
sustaining gifts – those created
by bequest, trust and other
planned gifts – that have made
Thornton Academy a special
place. The 1811 Society is a
way for Thornton Academy to
recognize these types of gifts.
This year, Thornton received two unrestricted planned
gifts – one from Charles and
Mary Virginia Yates Allard ’32
and the other from Helen Martin Freise. These planned gifts
allowed Thornton to respond to
current needs. The generosity
of these two estates of Charter
1811 Society members allowed
Trustees the flexibility to put
the gift to use immediately.
Thornton Academy is
pleased to answer questions
you may have about 1811 Society membership and planned
giving possibilities.
Learn more!
Contact Lisa Morin at
207-602-4456 or
[email protected]
Send Us Your
Alumni Award
Each year at baccalaureate,
TA honors past graudates
with the Distinguished
Alumni Award and the Public
Service Award. Perhaps you
know an alum who’s an
outstanding volunteer or
who has an amazing list of
accomplishments. Send in
your nomination today! It’s
easy online. Just go to www. and
click on Alumni, or e-mail your
nomination ideas to lisa.morin@