Double dose of heritage at Modderfontein
this month
Heritage month is being celebrated by the Modderfontein Conser-
vation Society with conducted walks round the heritage precinct of
the village and a talk by Jonathan Stone, principal of Jonathan Stone
Architect. Two walks will take place on Heritage Day – 24 September
– at 09:00. The talk will take place in the Modderfontein Town Hall
at 1 Casino Road – opposite the bowls club – at 19:30 on Thursday 20
Walks begin at The Dynamite Company Museum at 2 Main Street, Mod-
derfontein (just two doors from 33 High Street Restaurant) and last
about two hours. Walk leaders are Keith Martin and Robbie Vermont,
members of the heritage section of the Modderfontein Conservation
Society. This will be the 12th consecutive year these walks have taken
place on this day.
In addition to the walks, The Dynamite Company Museum will be open
to the public during the morning. This will give visitors the oppor-
tunity to see why the Modderfontein Dynamite Factory was called “A
Power for Prosperity” in the area and how it contributed to the wealth
and development of the country as a whole.
The original manager’s home – Franz Hoenig Haus – will also be open.
This is the one of only two days in the year that this historic Randlord’s
mansion can be viewed, and there is no charge. The walks are so popu-
lar, that prior booking is essential. Walkers to wear comfortable shoes,
hats and to bring something to drink if they feel they will need it. Cost
is R50 a head.
Jonathan Stone’s Heritage Month illustrated t