Thornhill Estate watercourse
The watercourse running through Thornhill Estate has, over the years,
become more and more eroded due to uncontrolled storm water rush-
ing in from developments in the area. In some areas the damage was
as much as two meters deep and edging closer and closer to properties
close to the water.
Extensive work has been done and we thought we’d share some of the
“before” and “after” photos with you together with our journey thus
During 2016 we did extensive surveys of the watercourse, compiling
detailed photographic evidence as well as drawing on the expertise of
engineers. We were also lucky enough to be able to share the knowl-
edge of residents who have been involved in the watercourse since the
establishment of our estate, which helped tremendously to understand
the past complexities in order to learn what had to be done different-
ly. During this time, we also pursued many formal channels to engage
with authorities on establishing a solution, but to no avail.
In 2017 we embarked on the construction of two structures. The first
one was a gabion built more or less where Elm Street runs into the wa-
tercourse area to immediately remedy the extensive erosion that was
taking place there, threatening nearby properties.
The second structure was built to protect an exposed sewerage line,
which was in imminent danger of breaking and spilling sewerage into
the watercourse.
These structures proved to be very successful in causing silting up-
stream from the walls, filling in the eroded areas with soil and, of
course, ensuring that the sewerage line was completely protected. We
were only just starting!