Thornhill Estate August 2018 | Page 6

FROM THE THOA OFFICE Arbor Week 2018 As developments around our estate become more visible and more im- posing on the beauty of Modderfontein, we need to focus again on what we can do to mitigate the environmental and aesthetic impact on our estate. Following on the huge success of the Estates and Gardens Committee’s Arbor drive in 2017, we would like to invite all our residents to be a part of Arbor week again in 2018. Our aim is to plant as many trees as possible along the Valley Road fence line in order to create a green barrier between the Thornhill Community Centre and the shopping complex across the road. In order to make it as easy as possible to donate, the process is as follows: a.) Choose the tree size you would like to donate: i. 40l tree at R680.00 per tree ii. 100l tree at R1,150.00 per tree b.) Email Linda on [email protected] indicating what size tree you would like to donate and how many (if you want to donate more than one) c.) The tree donation amount will be added to your September levy account and can be paid through the usual payment method you use. The deadline for tree donations is Friday, 24 August 2018, in order for us to procure the trees and have them ready for planting during the first week in September. We thank all our residents in advance for supporting our Arbor drive for 2018! THOA G&E Committee Upcoming Social events 1st September: Potjie Picnic Day 27th October: Halloween 1st December: Christmas Party