There was a proposal from the floor to allow us to add up to, but not exceeding, an
extra R50 to the levy if we have to in order to accommodate the rise in rates we
have seen this year. This proposal was carried unopposed. I am personally very
excited for the year ahead as our main projects, the plinthing of the entire fence
as well as the extensive watercourse improvements, should all be finished shortly,
and we should also see a bedding down of our procedures and processes which we
are trying to get entrenched into how we work as an association. All of these have
been years in the making taking up hundreds of hours of time to get them just right
and working for our unique set up. We are seeing great support and enthusiasm for
more social events, so we are doing all we can to make those easier to hold and orga-
nize too. It all helps to make Thornhill a great place to live and enjoy our time off.
No clear winner? Onto extra time. The shops, what a journey this has been with miss
truths and sluggish progress. Fake news is the term that comes to mind every time I
hear anything about them. No matter what has been said the reality is close by, it will
be what it is and I do believe we are all looking forward to the mess being tidied up
and the construction teams moving out. Personally, I am raging mad at how we have
been kept in the dark every step of the way. The most recent example is the closing
of Valley Road with the detour going in place. Once more we were told after the fact
and what we see does not tie in with what we were told would happen, hen