Thon Holding Thon Holding | Page 47

THON HOLDING | ANNUAL REPORT 2016 Cash flow NOK thousand PARENT COMPANY GROUP 2017 2016 2017 2016 244 347 -102 459 1 091 650 888 112 -26 -31 -109 484 -75 254 Share of profit (loss) of associated companies 0 0 -45 776 60 026 Change in pension liabilities 0 0 0 0 187 041 -173 52 352 -9 816 8 011 7 496 477 050 386 220 0 0 0 50 043 14 0 298 190 -289 408 -1 963 1 514 -93 736 -35 182 Changes in trade payables 2 745 331 112 056 64 069 Changes in other accruals -235 601 140 638 -545 491 -374 774 Net cash flow from operating activities (A) 204 567 47 316 1 236 812 664 036 -9 150 -7 551 -880 556 -1 143 391 0 0 -146 716 -955 404 716 457 25 349 15 909 0 140 000 0 140 000 Net cash flow from other investments -33 664 -1 995 199 -20 176 -1 937 Net cash flow from investing activities (B) -42 098 -1 862 292 -1 022 098 -1 944 823 New interest-bearing debt 3 249 290 4 985 697 5 647 785 4 913 651 Repayment of interest bearing debt -3 798 580 -3 335 360 -5 707 201 -3 462 429 0 0 0 -8 600 Net effect of other changes in equity 481 934 131 500 -1 -150 073 Net cash flows from financing activities (C) -67 356 1 781 837 -59 417 1 292 549 0 0 -14 443 29 161 Net change in cash flow (A+B+C+D) 95 113 -33 139 173 615 -2 681 Cash and cash equivalents as of 1 Jan 33 517 66 656 456 181 458 862 Cash and cash equivalents as at 31 December 128 630 33 517 629 796 456 181 Undrawn overdrafts and other credit facilities 3 275 490 1 608 780 3 275 490 1 608 780 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Profit (loss) before taxes Income tax paid Gains (losses) on sale of non-current assets Ordinary depreciation Write-downs Changes in inventories Changes in trade receivables CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Purchase of fixed assets and intangible assets Net payments on aquisition of subsidiaries and joint ventures Sale of fixed assets and intangible assets Net proceeds from acquisition of subsidiaries and joint ventures CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Divident Net effects of exchange rate changes (D) 47