Thomasville Scene Winter 2022 | Page 82

| Valentine ’ s Day |

| Valentine ’ s Day |

How to create a romantic night at home

Romance takes center stage on Valentine ’ s Day . February 14th is a chance for couples to express romantic sentiments that reflect just how much they care for one another .

The relationship site Marriage . com offers that happily married couples with long histories together manage to preserve some elements present in the early stages of their relationships — a time when couples typically make a concerted effort to show affection for one another .
Romance is a key component of successful relationships . Couples may discover they don ’ t need to leave the house to enjoy a romantic night together .
Hide romantic notes
Engage in a romantic scavenger hunt by hiding notes that express thoughtful sentiments and give your partner a list of clues to guide the hunt . Start with a clue such as “ Where did we go on our first date ?” If it was an Italian restaurant , you can attach the next clue to a bunch of basil in the refrigerator , and so on .
Prepare a meal together Valentine ’ s Day dinner can be all the more intimate when you dine alone at home . Together , shop for the ingredients for a delicious meal you
Photo by Jason Briscoe on Unsplash
82 Winter 2022 Thomasville Scene