Thomasville Scene January 2024 | Page 81

New Year ’ s resolutions for your social life

New Year ’ s resolutions tend to focus heavily on healthy aspirations . Each January , people from all walks of life express a desire to lose weight , exercise more , quit smoking , or get more sleep . However , that doesn ’ t mean that resolutions cannot involve fun with friends .

Resolutions that focus on improving social connections might be something to consider this year . Expanding your social life can prove beneficial , as strong social connections are important to maintaining cognitive health and emotional well-being . The following are some socially-minded resolutions .
• Volunteer . One of the best ways to meet new people is to engage in activities that attract like-minded individuals . Volunteer activities are one avenue to explore . Volunteerism can start in schools , community centers , houses of worship , and elsewhere through the community .
• Change your internal narrative . Sometimes people have a hard time making friends simply because they have preconceived notions or place judgments on those around them . Judging others can be detrimental to establishing relationships . Changing how you view others can help .
• Join a social app . Whether it is to meet new friends or potential romantic partners , now may be the time to put yourself out there . Apps that promote personal relationships help people vet individuals so they ’ re not walking into situations completely unaware . Pew Research says 53 percent of people under the age of 30 report having used a dating site or app , and the popular app Meetup boasts 60 million members .
• Try new activities . If you ’ ve been meaning to learn how to brew your own beer or create acrylic art craft projects , now is the time to dive in . Engaging in new hobbies and activities puts you in touch with other people , which can help foster new friendships .
• Practice active listening . Resolving to make established relationships more secure may come down to listening better . Too often people are harried and rushed and may miss key signals a partner or friend is giving them . By slowing down and listening , while also trying to see the situation through another ’ s eyes , you can strengthen connections .
• Host a gathering . Make time on the calendar to hang out with others . If you don ’ t make an effort to get together , you can ’ t expect others to want to do the same . Sometimes you have to take the lead to create social situations and gatherings .
Resolutions to revitalize your social life can make for a great start to a new year . n
Thomasville Scene | January 2024 81