Thomasville Scene January 2024 | Page 4

| from the editor |
| from the editor |

Anew year is upon us , and so we at Thomasville Scene thought it was time to look at things from a new perspective . What better way to look at things with a new eye than to do so through art ?

Artists often take the realistic and breathe new life and symbolism into something we can ’ t see . Just take the Oak leaf for example . Where we saw an Oak leaf , artists and visionaries saw a sculpture that captivated the roots and community of Thomasville . Not only were they able to capture a new meaning , but they utilized the community to come together to create it .
Thanks to their creative works , Thomasville is now able to enjoy a visual and physical reminder of the roots that connect us all .
When thinking of other ways to see the world with a new eye , we spoke with the young actors and actresses who truly create their own world and narratives on stage all the time .
For those who have never seen a performance at Thomasville On Stage and Company , or attended a community showing of Thomasville High School or Thomas County Central ’ s One-Act shows , you ’ re missing out on seeing great talent and a new twist on an old story .
Sure , we may have read the book or seen the movie , but every actor brings something different to the table and no two shows are alike . They allow you to find meaning in things you once may not have .
For me , watching them on stage takes me back to a younger version of myself .
I was in our school ’ s sixth grade production of Stuart Little , when the high school drama teacher wanted to meet with me . She asked if I had any interest in playing Tootie in the spring musical , “ Meet me In St . Louis .” I was ecstatic , as were my parents . I agreed to play the role . As the show grew closer , so did my relationships with my castmates , who were all in high school at the time . They saw me as a younger sister , someone to look out for .
When I got on the stage , I was a different person . I wasn ’ t shy , sixth grade Jill , I was Tootie , the loud-mouthed little sister . It was my first and last big performance . The following year I transferred schools , where the kids in drama were made fun of . I was too scared to audition , because all I wanted were friends . So , as I watch the Young Actors Troupe I find myself beaming with pride for them . They are authentically themselves in a world where we too often are told to fit into someone else ’ s mold .
Maybe , just maybe , they breathe a new life into me .
I hope this edition brings about a new perspective , rather that be through art or wildlife or a combination in the Wildlife Arts Festival .

Thomasville Scene

A reflection of our culture
Established 2006 Volume 16 • No . 1
The Thomasville Scene magazine is published bi-monthly at 106 South St . Thomasville , Ga . 31792
Published by
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Jill Holloway William Huff
CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS William Huff Daniel Shippey Lisa Watson
ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Marlana Jones Jeff Chandler
For information on submitting articles or advertising , call ( 229 ) 226-2400
Jill Holloway Managing editor Thomasville Times-Enterprise & Thomasville Scene
4 January 2024 | Thomasville Scene