Thomasville Scene February/March 2023 | Page 20

| pets |

| pets |

How to make your home more


Whether you ’ re a new pet owner or have had one for many years , why not try making your home more pleasing to your furry friend ? Here are three ways to create a pet-centric home .

Wash station . If you own a dog , why not create a dedicated area to groom and clean them ? A ground-level wash station featuring tiled walls , a vinyl pan base , and a hand-held showerhead will help keep your pet and your house clean .
Pet door . Do you want your cat or dog to come and go as it pleases ? Fortunately , pet doors have come a long way in recent years . For example , older doors with a simple flap pose a security risk since other animals or heavy rain can also pass through them . Modern ones , in contrast , are electronic and use programmable collars or microchip implants to open only for your pet .
Pet flooring . Pets can be messy . Rather than get annoyed and frustrated , why not choose floor materials like linoleum , vinyl or stain-resistant carpet that are easy to clean ? A small area of radiant-floor heating will also give your pet a welcome place to lie down .
Contact an interior designer in your area to help you come up with unique ideas to make your home more pet friendly .

Did you know ?

Pet ownership is rewarding in various ways , and those rewards could be one reason why pet owners are welcoming additional pets into their homes , even if only temporarily . According to the 2021-2022 biennial APPA National Pet Owners Survey by the American Pet Products Association , 11 percent of pet owners also foster pets . The selfless act of fostering saves the lives of an untold number of animals each year , as shelters confronting overcrowding may not have the resources necessary to keep pets healthy until they find an adoptive parent . For example , the ASPCA notes that neonatal ( zero to four weeks ) and peewee ( four to eight weeks ) kittens are extremely vulnerable and do not often survive without round-the-clock care . Overburdened shelters with limited resources are not always capable of providing such care . In such instances , shelter-sponsored fostering programs teach foster caregivers how to care for kittens so they can survive the first eight weeks and stay healthy enough to be spayed or neutered and ultimately adopted . n
20 February | March 2023 Thomasville Scene