Thomasville Scene February/March 2022 | Page 24

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Cut the Clutter while you Spring Clean !

by Ashleigh Childs | University of Georgia Thomas County Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent and a LiveBetter Thomas County Advisory Board Member to start this journey than right now ? Spring is typically associated with “ spring cleaning ” and serves as a time to remove the winter décor , welcome warmer days and marvel at the new life beginning to bloom . It ’ s in this spirit that you can give yourself and your home “ new life ” by cleaning up the clutter !
Clutter is a word that is defined differently for every person . To some , having many items surrounding them in their home might make them feel secure . To others , that could cause frustration and a need to have fewer things in their personal space . Tendencies toward acquiring and keeping possessions is not the same for everyone , and this has led our society to the development of various methods to reduce clutter .

Marie Kondo ’ s Tidying Up series 9 has motivated millions of people to clear out the clutter since its debut on Netflix in 2019 . Everyone has at least one drawer , closet , or room piled high and deep with various and sundry items , likely fondly referred to as the “ junk room ” or “ junk drawer .” There may be several areas in your home that have gotten out of control . The piles of stuff may have been there so long that you don ’ t even see them anymore . The clutter needs to go , but the thought of going through all those piles is overwhelming , so you do nothing . When one space fills up , you find a new space to fill ( sound familiar ?). Maybe you are waiting until you move to deal with the clutter , which is a good solution if you move every two or three years . However , if you don ’ t move regularly , then you need a plan to deal with the clutter , and what better time

Why do we have clutter ?
There are various reasons why some people are more prone to clutter than others . Sometimes lack of time due to poor time management or hectic schedules results in items such as clothes or mail piling up . Not having a system for organizing items makes things messy . Clutter can also be or social or cultural norm . Some generations who lived through historic periods ( i . e . The Great Depression ) may feel like they cannot throw away anything that can be used again . Other people feel like they must buy excessively in order to make sure they are always prepared for whatever life may bring . Additionally , one ’ s mental health may lead to excess clutter . A person may find emotional attachments to many of their items and feel the need to keep them , especially if the item ( s ) belonged to a now deceased loved one .
Benefits of reducing clutter Household clutter has a big impact on your health and quality of life . It can be so out of control
24 February | March 2022 Thomasville Scene