Thomasville Scene Fall 2023 | Page 4

| from the editor |

| from the editor |

The golden days of summer are slowly fading away as we head into the fall season , but the adventures that took place this summer and the memories made have not dimmed in our minds .

This edition we take a look at some of the amazing travels our readers took , even if it only took them right down the street to a renowned Reader ’ s Retreat .
I love to travel , but rarely step foot outside the United States . We took our first family cruise my junior year of college and I was able to see small parts of the world that I never would have otherwise . I ’ ve docked in Turks and Caicos , Mexico , the Bahamas and most recently St . Thomas , British Virgin Islands .
St . Thomas was one of my favorite adventures . We took a catamaran to a different island , where we enjoyed a fresh low country boil , made with lobster . The experience was made better by celebrating the life of my uncle with all my family .
Every story in this edition is special in its own unique way . Some are spreading the gospel in foreign countries , while others are visiting their childhood homes in foreign countries for the first time in years .
I ’ ve heard it said travel is the only thing you spend your money on that will make you richer , and I truly believe this .
In this edition , you ’ ll read about Thomas County Central High School students who traveled to Japan . This trip alone has enriched their minds , and allowed them to grow in ways they didn ’ t see possible prior to going .
It seems silly , but even when I think about the trip I just took to Disney , I think about the new things I learned about the park and the intricacies that take place behind the scenes .
I know we don ’ t take as much vacation time as we should , because the timing is never quite right or you can ’ t find a babysitter , but I implore you to travel . Time is on no one ’ s side and if you don ’ t take the trip now , you may never get to .
I hope these stories inspire all of you to call up a travel agent or travel club and plan your next adventure , and when you do , make sure to send us a picture .
Bon voyage !

Thomasville Scene

A reflection of our culture
Established 2006 Volume 15 • No . 5
The Thomasville Scene magazine is published bi-monthly at 106 South St . Thomasville , Ga . 31792
Published by
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Mary Catherine Dodys Payton Fletcher William Huff Kim McCray Clint Thompson
CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Donathan Photography Payton Fletcher
ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Marlana Jones Jeff Chandler
Jill Holloway Managing editor Thomasville Times-Enterprise & Thomasville Scene
For information on submitting articles or advertising , call ( 229 ) 226-2400
4 Fall 2023 | Thomasville Scene