Thomasville Scene Fall 2023 | Page 10

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“ Identity & Restraint : Art of the Dog Collar ”

by Kim McCray
“ The only , absolute and best friend that a man has , in this selfish world , the only one that will not betray him , is his DOG .”
~ King Frederick of Prussia , 1789
Dog Collar , possibly British , late 18th / early 19th century . Brass with felt lining , 5½ x 2¾ inches , gift to the National Sporting Library & Museum by Dr . Timothy J . Greenan

The human-dog relationship has a complex and fascinating history , as does the humble dog collar . Collars , as a means of restraining dogs , developed in Mesopotamia thousands of years ago . These very early collars were simple and made of cord , cloth , or leather . Over time , collars became works of art celebrating dogs through intricate design and ornamentation . Discover this captivating world of dog collars as Pebble Hill Plantation presents “ Identity & Restraint : Art of the Dog Collar .” This unique exhibition showcases the elaborate designs , rich history , and deep symbolism behind these beloved accessories , which are truly works of art . From leather to metal , from simple to ornate , each collar tells a fascinating story of its wearer ’ s identity and the bond between humans and dogs . In addition to collars , the exhibit will include paintings and sculpture . The exhibit is coming to the Elisabeth Ireland Poe Gallery at Pebble Hill Plantation from the National Sporting Library & Museum ( NSLM ) in Middleburg , Virginia and the American Kennel Club ( AKC ) Museum of the

Dog in New York , New York . In cooperation with the AKC Museum of the Dog , the NSLM created the exhibition , mating the collars with works of art depicting dogs wearing collars . This exhibition gives a
10 Fall 2023 | Thomasville Scene