Thomasville Scene April-May 2022 | Page 25

holding capacity and reduce the time that you spend watering your roses . However , be careful not to put mulch too close to the base of your roses because that could cause girdling of the trunk .
In established rose gardens people seldom think that weak looking plants could be due to insects feeding on branches , however , that is exactly what scale insects do ! Scales are interesting creatures that feed on plants using their straw like mouthparts . Adult female scales are not mobile and look like tiny white or brown barnacles stuck to the plant . Thrips , aphids , and mites are also common insect pests of roses , but may be difficult to identify with the naked eye . Controlling scales , mites , and aphids is very simple ; apply insecticidal soap or horticultural oil ( paying careful attention to the label ) and get good coverage when you do so . You may have to do repeat applications .
There are several diseases that affect roses in Thomas County , but the most common is black spot of rose . Plant pathologists are luckily not very creative when it comes to naming diseases , so this disease look exactly like its name ( 1cm wide black spots on the leaves ). Powdery mildew presents itself as a white fungal growth on the leaf surface . Most will not have the patience for spraying to prevent these diseases because in most cases it must be done on a weekly schedule . However , the instance of the disease can be reduced with good sanitation – clean up diseased leaves from around the plant and dispose of them to reduce sporulation and reinfection . Choosing a disease resistant variety is also recommended .
If you have questions please contact UGA Extension Thomas County .
Thomasville Scene April | May 2022 25