Thomas More (May. 2012) | Page 2

St. Thomas More was an important counsulor for King Henry VIII. More studied law in England. Later he wrote a book on the ideal utopian society in 1516. He became the key counsulor for King Henry VIII untill the early 1500's. More did not believe that the king should be the leader in the Church of England.

St. Thomas More of the Renaissance

St. Thomas more was born in London, England, in 1478. His education was at St. Anthony's School and Oxford. More studied Greek and Latin literature. Later, he turned to study law. He was much more successful in this profession. In 1501, More became a full member of the profession of lawyer. His multi-tasking while practicing law and keeping up with his literary and spirtitual interests was very inpressive at the time.

He had gotten an idea into his head. This idea was to design a society that is perfect in everyway. More wanted to make a utopia. He even wrote a detailed book on it. This book tiiled "Utopia", was published in 1516. He was quite proud of his work. At the time, the ideas in this book were so far fetched people were not quite ready for it, Ideas include

"theories of punishment, state-controlled

education, multi-religion societies, divorce,

euthanasia and women's rights, and the resulting

display of learning and skill established"(A&E

Television Netwerk, 2014).

More's life ended in an execution. He had

refused to accept the king as the leader of the

Church of England. The king then orderd him to

execution. "The king's good servant, but God's

first." -Thomas More